Sunday, June 3, 2012

Talyn Rahman-Figueroa, Founder of Grassroot Diplomat

Today I am pleased to introduce Talyn Rahman-Figueroa, founder of Grassroot Diplomat, an organization bridging the gap between political leaders and society.
Talyn founded Grassroot Diplomat after working in organizations like the United Nations and noticing the need for political discussions to happen at the grassroots level of civil society. In this interview Talyn sits down to discuss her inspirations, her current work and ways people can get involved with international conversations happening around the world. 
You can listen to me and Talyn here.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Matt Becker, Peace Fellow in Bangladesh

Today I am pleased to introduce you to Matt Becker, my friend and former Peace Corps Volunteer in Mongolia (just like me)!
Matt is currently pursuing a Masters in Global Affairs at NYU and took a few minutes to sit down with us to discuss his work this upcoming summer. Starting in just a few weeks Matt will be serving as Peace Fellow in Bangladesh with the Advocacy Project where he will be working with the Subornogram Foundation.

You can listen to me and Matt streaming here.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Marianne Perez, Founder of Peace is Sexy

Today I have the pleasure of introducing Marianne Perez, founder of Peace is Sexy, who I was able to interview for our ongoing series featuring Everyday Inspirations who are changing the world. 
I had the pleasure of meeting Marianne when I was featured on Peace is Sexy a few months ago and I really love the vision she has for her website and the idea of world peace. There are lot of people out there who believe that peace is possible, but Marianne also believes it's profitable, fun and sexy too.
During our interview Marianne sits down with us to explain her story, the story behind her website and advice that she has for everyday humanitarians who want to change the world.
You can listen to our interview here.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Orly Wahba, Founder of Life Vest Inside

Today I have the pleasure of introducing Orly Wahba, an amazing teacher and founder of Life Vest Inside, who I was able to interview for our ongoing series featuring Everyday Inspirations who are changing the world. 
I've had the honor of working with Orly and her wonderful organization for several months now. It's hard to believe that time has been flying by so fast! Her wonderful video on kindness, called Kindness Boomerang, received over 20 million hits in its first three months and it's still going strong. Orly has touched the hearts of millions of people, including me, and she has many more to go.
During our interview Orly sits down with us to explain the inspiration for the video and her organization, the wonderful story of how she chose her set and wrote the script for the video, and advice that she has for everyday humanitarians who want to change the world.
You can listen to our interview here.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Carsten Rubsaamen, Founder of Bookbridge

Last year, while organizing TEDxUlaanbaatar, I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Carsten Rübsaamen, Founder and CEO of Bookbridge. Carsten is absolutely amazing and I feel so honored to know him. He leads an amazing team of people in Great Britain, Switzerland and Germany who are building and supporting sustainable libraries in Mongolia and Cambodia.
Carsten was kind enough to sit down with me for an interview, where we were able to talk about his venture road trip to Silicon Valley, what it's like to start up a nonprofit half way around the world, and what advice he would give to social entrepreneurs who want to change the world.
You can listen to our interview here.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Matt Johnson, Founder of Project Living Well

Over the past few weeks I've had the pleasure working with an everyday inspiration who is doing some amazing things and definitely on track to change the world. His name is Matt Johnson and he is the founder of Project: Living Well. 
Today I am sharing a conversation that I had with Matt on social entrepreneurship, international development, and how each of us can make a difference. It's the first of many interviews here at Advance Humanity featuring Everyday Inspirations who are changing themselves and changing the world. I hope you enjoy it!
You can listen to our interview here.